Semi-Supervised Visual Tracking of Marine Animals using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles


しかし、最近では、GPU 機能を備えたカメラと組み込みコンピューターを搭載した自律型水中ビークルがさまざまなアプリケーション向けに開発されており、特に、人間の操作やタグ付けがより困難なこれらの既存のデータ収集メカニズムを補完するために使用できます。
それらのパフォーマンスと有用性をよりよく評価するために、この論文では、(1) にある海洋動物に固有の新しいデータセット、(2) 状態の評価を提供します。
水中動物追跡のコンテキストにおける半教師付きアルゴリズムの芸術、および (3) 野生の海洋動物を追跡するために自律型水中ビークルに搭載された半教師付きアルゴリズムを使用したデモンストレーションによる実世界のパフォーマンスの評価。


In-situ visual observations of marine organisms is crucial to developing behavioural understandings and their relations to their surrounding ecosystem. Typically, these observations are collected via divers, tags, and remotely-operated or human-piloted vehicles. Recently, however, autonomous underwater vehicles equipped with cameras and embedded computers with GPU capabilities are being developed for a variety of applications, and in particular, can be used to supplement these existing data collection mechanisms where human operation or tags are more difficult. Existing approaches have focused on using fully-supervised tracking methods, but labelled data for many underwater species are severely lacking. Semi-supervised trackers may offer alternative tracking solutions because they require less data than fully-supervised counterparts. However, because there are not existing realistic underwater tracking datasets, the performance of semi-supervised tracking algorithms in the marine domain is not well understood. To better evaluate their performance and utility, in this paper we provide (1) a novel dataset specific to marine animals located at, (2) an evaluation of state-of-the-art semi-supervised algorithms in the context of underwater animal tracking, and (3) an evaluation of real-world performance through demonstrations using a semi-supervised algorithm on-board an autonomous underwater vehicle to track marine animals in the wild.


著者 Levi Cai,Nathan E. McGuire,Roger Hanlon,T. Aran Mooney,Yogesh Girdhar
発行日 2023-02-14 21:08:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク