Probabilistic Hierarchical Forecasting with Deep Poisson Mixtures


これをディープ ポアソン混合ネットワーク (DPMN) と呼びます。
これは、階層型多変量時系列構造の同時分布のためのニューラル ネットワークと統計モデルの組み合わせに依存しています。
既存の首尾一貫した確率モデルと比較して、オーストラリアの国内観光データで 11.8%、Favorita の食料品販売データセットで 8.1% という全体的な連続順位付け確率スコア (CRPS) の相対的な改善が得られました。
シリーズの階層構造がランダムに割り当てられ、それらの相関関係があまり有益ではないサンフランシスコ ベイ エリアの高速道路交通量の場合、この方法では、統計ベースラインに比べてパフォーマンスに大きな違いは見られません。


Hierarchical forecasting problems arise when time series have a natural group structure, and predictions at multiple levels of aggregation and disaggregation across the groups are needed. In such problems, it is often desired to satisfy the aggregation constraints in a given hierarchy, referred to as hierarchical coherence in the literature. Maintaining coherence while producing accurate forecasts can be a challenging problem, especially in the case of probabilistic forecasting. We present a novel method capable of accurate and coherent probabilistic forecasts for time series when reliable hierarchical information is present. We call it Deep Poisson Mixture Network (DPMN). It relies on the combination of neural networks and a statistical model for the joint distribution of the hierarchical multivariate time series structure. By construction, the model guarantees hierarchical coherence and provides simple rules for aggregation and disaggregation of the predictive distributions. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation comparing the DPMN to other state-of-the-art methods which produce hierarchically coherent probabilistic forecasts on multiple public datasets. Compared to existing coherent probabilistic models, we obtained a relative improvement in the overall Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) of 11.8% on Australian domestic tourism data and 8.1% on the Favorita grocery sales dataset, where time series are grouped with geographical hierarchies or travel intent hierarchies. For San Francisco Bay Area highway traffic, where the series’ hierarchical structure is randomly assigned, and their correlations are less informative, our method does not show significant performance differences over statistical baselines.


著者 Kin G. Olivares,O. Nganba Meetei,Ruijun Ma,Rohan Reddy,Mengfei Cao,Lee Dicker
発行日 2023-02-15 17:52:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク