Continuized Acceleration for Quasar Convex Functions in Non-Convex Optimization


クエーサーの凸性は、最適化ランドスケープが凸でない場合でも、一部の 1 次メソッドが関数を効率的に最小化できるようにする条件です。
また、滑らかで 1 点の強い凸関数、Polyak-Lojasiewicz、または 2 次成長関数がクエーサーの凸性を満たす場合、関数を最小化するための加速された線形速度を達成することは特定の条件下で可能ですが、加速は一般に知られていないことも示します。


Quasar convexity is a condition that allows some first-order methods to efficiently minimize a function even when the optimization landscape is non-convex. Previous works develop near-optimal accelerated algorithms for minimizing this class of functions, however, they require a subroutine of binary search which results in multiple calls to gradient evaluations in each iteration, and consequently the total number of gradient evaluations does not match a known lower bound. In this work, we show that a recently proposed continuized Nesterov acceleration can be applied to minimizing quasar convex functions and achieves the optimal bound with a high probability. Furthermore, we find that the objective functions of training generalized linear models (GLMs) satisfy quasar convexity, which broadens the applicability of the relevant algorithms, while known practical examples of quasar convexity in non-convex learning are sparse in the literature. We also show that if a smooth and one-point strongly convex, Polyak-Lojasiewicz, or quadratic-growth function satisfies quasar convexity, then attaining an accelerated linear rate for minimizing the function is possible under certain conditions, while acceleration is not known in general for these classes of functions.


著者 Jun-Kun Wang,Andre Wibisono
発行日 2023-02-15 18:35:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク