Adaptive Value Decomposition with Greedy Marginal Contribution Computation for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning


このタスクは、協調型マルチエージェント強化学習 (MARL) のフレームワーク内で広く研究されており、値分解法はそれらの最先端のソリューションの 1 つです。
ただし、これらは、共同のアクション スペースが大きいために学習が難しいか、非単調なリターンでタスクを解決するために不可欠なエージェント間の複雑な相互作用を把握するには不十分です。
私たちの方法である貪欲限界寄与 (AVGM) による適応値分解は、動的に変化するエージェントのグループの協調的な値を学習する適応値分解に基づいています。


Real-world cooperation often requires intensive coordination among agents simultaneously. This task has been extensively studied within the framework of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), and value decomposition methods are among those cutting-edge solutions. However, traditional methods that learn the value function as a monotonic mixing of per-agent utilities cannot solve the tasks with non-monotonic returns. This hinders their application in generic scenarios. Recent methods tackle this problem from the perspective of implicit credit assignment by learning value functions with complete expressiveness or using additional structures to improve cooperation. However, they are either difficult to learn due to large joint action spaces or insufficient to capture the complicated interactions among agents which are essential to solving tasks with non-monotonic returns. To address these problems, we propose a novel explicit credit assignment method to address the non-monotonic problem. Our method, Adaptive Value decomposition with Greedy Marginal contribution (AVGM), is based on an adaptive value decomposition that learns the cooperative value of a group of dynamically changing agents. We first illustrate that the proposed value decomposition can consider the complicated interactions among agents and is feasible to learn in large-scale scenarios. Then, our method uses a greedy marginal contribution computed from the value decomposition as an individual credit to incentivize agents to learn the optimal cooperative policy. We further extend the module with an action encoder to guarantee the linear time complexity for computing the greedy marginal contribution. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves significant performance improvements in several non-monotonic domains.


著者 Shanqi Liu,Yujing Hu,Runze Wu,Dong Xing,Yu Xiong,Changjie Fan,Kun Kuang,Yong Liu
発行日 2023-02-14 07:23:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.MA, cs.RO パーマリンク