Monitoring and Adapting the Physical State of a Camera for Autonomous Vehicles


この目的のために、大規模な実験で従来の機械学習ベースのアプローチと再訓練された機械学習ベースのアプローチを比較することにより、状態の悪いカメラの典型的な画像効果 (ぼやけ、ノイズ現象、および最も一般的な組み合わせ) に対する 2 つの信頼できるリアルタイム対応の推定量を決定します。
さらに、実世界の地上車両で、オブジェクト検出、モーション ブラー、および
私たちのフレームワークは、カメラの状態を評価して維持するための実用的なすぐに使用できるソリューションを提供するだけでなく、追加のデータ ソース (センサーや環境パラメーターなど) を経験的に組み合わせた、より高度な問題に取り組むための拡張機能の基礎としても機能します。


Autonomous vehicles and robots require increasingly more robustness and reliability to meet the demands of modern tasks. These requirements specially apply to cameras onboard such vehicles because they are the predominant sensors to acquire information about the environment and support actions. Cameras must maintain proper functionality and take automatic countermeasures if necessary. However, few works examine the practical use of a general condition monitoring approach for cameras and designs countermeasures in the context of an envisaged high-level application. We propose a generic and interpretable self-health-maintenance framework for cameras based on data- and physically-grounded models. To this end, we determine two reliable, real-time capable estimators for typical image effects of a camera in poor condition (blur, noise phenomena and most common combinations) by comparing traditional and retrained machine learning-based approaches in extensive experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate on a real-world ground vehicle how one can adjust the camera parameters to achieve optimal whole-system capability based on experimental (non-linear and non-monotonic) input-output performance curves, using object detection, motion blur and sensor noise as examples. Our framework not only provides a practical ready-to-use solution to evaluate and maintain the health of cameras, but can also serve as a basis for extensions to tackle more sophisticated problems that combine additional data sources (e.g., sensor or environment parameters) empirically in order to attain fully reliable and robust machines.


著者 Maik Wischow,Guillermo Gallego,Ines Ernst,Anko Börner
発行日 2023-02-10 08:39:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク