LEGO-Net: Learning Regular Rearrangements of Objects in Rooms


この論文では、散らかった部屋でのオブジェクトの定期的な再配置を学習するための、データ駆動型の変換器ベースの反復法である LEGO-Net を紹介します。
LEGO-Net は、部分的に拡散モデルに着想を得ています。初期の乱雑な状態から始まり、移動距離を短縮しながら、オブジェクトの位置と向きを通常の状態に繰り返し「ノイズ除去」します。


Humans universally dislike the task of cleaning up a messy room. If machines were to help us with this task, they must understand human criteria for regular arrangements, such as several types of symmetry, co-linearity or co-circularity, spacing uniformity in linear or circular patterns, and further inter-object relationships that relate to style and functionality. Previous approaches for this task relied on human input to explicitly specify goal state, or synthesized scenes from scratch — but such methods do not address the rearrangement of existing messy scenes without providing a goal state. In this paper, we present LEGO-Net, a data-driven transformer-based iterative method for learning regular rearrangement of objects in messy rooms. LEGO-Net is partly inspired by diffusion models — it starts with an initial messy state and iteratively ‘de-noises” the position and orientation of objects to a regular state while reducing the distance traveled. Given randomly perturbed object positions and orientations in an existing dataset of professionally-arranged scenes, our method is trained to recover a regular re-arrangement. Results demonstrate that our method is able to reliably rearrange room scenes and outperform other methods. We additionally propose a metric for evaluating regularity in room arrangements using number-theoretic machinery.


著者 Qiuhong Anna Wei,Sijie Ding,Jeong Joon Park,Rahul Sajnani,Adrien Poulenard,Srinath Sridhar,Leonidas Guibas
発行日 2023-01-23 18:58:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク