AI-Based Framework for Understanding Car Following Behaviors of Drivers in A Naturalistic Driving Environment


これらのクラッシュは、トラフィック フローに重大な悪影響を及ぼし、多くの場合致命的です。
さらに、この研究では、NDS ビデオから抽出した情報を使用して、自車両と先行車両の両方の加速度をモデル化しました。
さらに、自車の加速度をモデル化すると、自車と先行車の相対速度が 2 台の車両間の距離よりも重要であることがわかりました。


The most common type of accident on the road is a rear-end crash. These crashes have a significant negative impact on traffic flow and are frequently fatal. To gain a more practical understanding of these scenarios, it is necessary to accurately model car following behaviors that result in rear-end crashes. Numerous studies have been carried out to model drivers’ car-following behaviors; however, the majority of these studies have relied on simulated data, which may not accurately represent real-world incidents. Furthermore, most studies are restricted to modeling the ego vehicle’s acceleration, which is insufficient to explain the behavior of the ego vehicle. As a result, the current study attempts to address these issues by developing an artificial intelligence framework for extracting features relevant to understanding driver behavior in a naturalistic environment. Furthermore, the study modeled the acceleration of both the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle using extracted information from NDS videos. According to the study’s findings, young people are more likely to be aggressive drivers than elderly people. In addition, when modeling the ego vehicle’s acceleration, it was discovered that the relative velocity between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle was more important than the distance between the two vehicles.


著者 Armstrong Aboah,Abdul Rashid Mussah,Yaw Adu-Gyamfi
発行日 2023-01-23 08:24:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク