Vision-Based Lane Detection and Tracking under Different Challenging Environmental Conditions


車線検出方法のほとんどは、次の 4 種類の課題に悩まされています。
(ii) 自然災害や悪天候によって浸食、ぼやけ、破線、着色、ひび割れが生じた車線の視界の不明瞭。
(iii) 周囲からのさまざまな物体によるレーンマークの閉塞。
(iv) ガードレール、路面標示、道路分割線などの紛らわしい線の存在。
最初に、異なる強度のレーン エッジを検出するキャニー オペレーターのパフォーマンスを向上させるために、包括的な強度しきい値範囲 (CITR) を導入します。
次に、ロバストな車線検証手法である角度と長さに基づく幾何学的制約 (ALGC) とそれに続くハフ変換を提案して、車線マーキングの特性を検証し、誤った車線検出を防止します。
提案された方法のパフォーマンスを評価するために、24 フレーム/秒で解像度 1080×1920 の DSDLDE [1] データセットを使用しました。
実験結果によると、平均検出率は 97.36% で、フレームあたりの平均検出時間は 29.06 ミリ秒で、最先端の方法よりも優れています。


Lane marking detection is fundamental for both advanced driving assistance systems and traffic surveillance systems. However, detecting lane is highly challenging when the visibility of a road lane marking is low, obscured or often invisible due to real-life challenging environment and adverse weather. Most of the lane detection methods suffer from four types of challenges: (i) light effects i.e. shadow, glare of light, reflection etc. created by different light sources like streetlamp, tunnel-light, sun, wet road etc.; (ii) Obscured visibility of eroded, blurred, dashed, colored and cracked lane caused by natural disasters and adverse weather; (iii) lane marking occlusion by different objects from surroundings; and (iv) presence of confusing lines e.g., guardrails, pavement marking, road divider etc. In this paper, we proposed a simple, real-time, and robust lane detection and tracking method to detect and track lane marking. Here, we introduced three key technologies. First, we introduce a comprehensive intensity threshold range (CITR) to improve the performance of the canny operator in detecting lane edges of different intensity. Second, we propose a robust lane verification technique, the angle and length-based geometric constraint (ALGC) followed by Hough Transform, to verify the characteristics of lane marking and to prevent incorrect lane detection. Finally, we propose a novel lane tracking technique, to predict the lane position of next frame by defining a range of horizontal lane position which will be updating with respect to the lane position of previous frame. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method we used the DSDLDE [1] dataset with 1080×1920 resolutions at 24 frames/sec. Experimental results show that the average detection rate is 97.36%, and the average detection time is 29.06msec per frame, which outperformed the state-of-the-art method.


著者 Samia Sultana,Boshir Ahmed,Manoranjan Paul,Muhammad Rafiqul Islam,Shamim Ahmad
発行日 2023-01-17 09:33:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク