Mixed Attention with Deep Supervision for Delineation of COVID Infection in Lung CT


複数の亜種を伴う COVID-19 パンデミックは、世界の医療システムに大きな圧力をかけています。
コンピューター断層撮影 (CT) は、COVID-19 感染の重要な非侵襲的スクリーニング メカニズムを提供します。
肺 CT における感染ボリュームの自動セグメンテーションは、患者の診断とケアに大きく役立つと期待されています。
CT 画像から肺の感染領域を描写するために、新しい深層学習アーキテクチャである Mixed Attention Deeply Supervised Network (MiADS-Net) が提案されています。
公開されている 3 つのデータセットに関する実験結果は、MiADS-Net が COVID-19 病変セグメンテーション タスクにおいていくつかの最先端のアーキテクチャよりも優れていることを示しています。


The COVID-19 pandemic, with its multiple variants, has placed immense pressure on the global healthcare system. An early effective screening and grading become imperative towards optimizing the limited available resources of the medical facilities. Computed tomography (CT) provides a significant non-invasive screening mechanism for COVID-19 infection. An automated segmentation of the infected volumes in lung CT is expected to significantly aid in the diagnosis and care of patients. However, an accurate demarcation of lesions remains problematic due to their irregular structure and location(s) within the lung. A novel deep learning architecture, Mixed Attention Deeply Supervised Network (MiADS-Net), is proposed for delineating the infected regions of the lung from CT images. Incorporating dilated convolutions with varying dilation rates, into a mixed attention framework, allows capture of multi-scale features towards improved segmentation of lesions having different sizes and textures. Mixed attention helps prioritise relevant feature maps to be probed, along with those regions containing crucial information within these maps. Deep supervision facilitates discovery of robust and discriminatory characteristics in the hidden layers at shallower levels, while overcoming the vanishing gradient. This is followed by estimating the severity of the disease, based on the ratio of the area of infected region in each lung with respect to its entire volume. Experimental results, on three publicly available datasets, indicate that the MiADS-Net outperforms several state-of-the-art architectures in the COVID-19 lesion segmentation task; particularly in defining structures involving complex geometries.


著者 Pallabi Dutta,Sushmita Mitra
発行日 2023-01-17 15:36:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク