Bag of States: A Non-sequential Approach to Video-based Engagement Measurement


多くの既存のアプローチでは、ビデオから生徒の関与を測定するために、リカレント ニューラル ネットワーク、時間畳み込みネットワーク、3 次元畳み込みニューラル ネットワークなどの逐次および時空間モデルが開発されています。
エンゲージメント測定のための既存のシーケンシャルおよび時空間アプローチと比較して、提案された非シーケンシャル アプローチは最先端の結果を改善します。
実験結果によると、私たちの方法は、順次モデルと比較して、IIITB オンライン SE データセットのエンゲージメント レベル分類精度を 26% 大幅に改善し、DAiSEE 学生エンゲージメント データセットで 66.58% という高いエンゲージメント レベル分類精度を達成しました。


Automatic measurement of student engagement provides helpful information for instructors to meet learning program objectives and individualize program delivery. Students’ behavioral and emotional states need to be analyzed at fine-grained time scales in order to measure their level of engagement. Many existing approaches have developed sequential and spatiotemporal models, such as recurrent neural networks, temporal convolutional networks, and three-dimensional convolutional neural networks, for measuring student engagement from videos. These models are trained to incorporate the order of behavioral and emotional states of students into video analysis and output their level of engagement. In this paper, backed by educational psychology, we question the necessity of modeling the order of behavioral and emotional states of students in measuring their engagement. We develop bag-of-words-based models in which only the occurrence of behavioral and emotional states of students is modeled and analyzed and not the order in which they occur. Behavioral and affective features are extracted from videos and analyzed by the proposed models to determine the level of engagement in an ordinal-output classification setting. Compared to the existing sequential and spatiotemporal approaches for engagement measurement, the proposed non-sequential approach improves the state-of-the-art results. According to experimental results, our method significantly improved engagement level classification accuracy on the IIITB Online SE dataset by 26% compared to sequential models and achieved engagement level classification accuracy as high as 66.58% on the DAiSEE student engagement dataset.


著者 Ali Abedi,Chinchu Thomas,Dinesh Babu Jayagopi,Shehroz S. Khan
発行日 2023-01-17 07:12:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.HC パーマリンク