Density-based clustering with fully-convolutional networks for crowd flow detection from drones


この目的のために、ドローンで撮影されたビデオ シーケンスの群集フロー検出方法を提案します。
提案された方法は、静止画像ではなくビデオ シーケンスによって特徴付けられる VisDrone チャレンジの群集カウント データセットでテストされたときに、効果的かつ効率的であることが証明されました。


Crowd analysis from drones has attracted increasing attention in recent times due to the ease of use and affordable cost of these devices. However, how this technology can provide a solution to crowd flow detection is still an unexplored research question. To this end, we propose a crowd flow detection method for video sequences shot by a drone. The method is based on a fully-convolutional network that learns to perform crowd clustering in order to detect the centroids of crowd-dense areas and track their movement in consecutive frames. The proposed method proved effective and efficient when tested on the Crowd Counting datasets of the VisDrone challenge, characterized by video sequences rather than still images. The encouraging results show that the proposed method could open up new ways of analyzing high-level crowd behavior from drones.


著者 Giovanna Castellano,Eugenio Cotardo,Corrado Mencar,Gennaro Vessio
発行日 2023-01-12 11:10:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク