The Brazilian Data at Risk in the Age of AI?


これらのタスクは、モバイル デバイスへの単純なアクセスから、ソーシャル ネットワークで共有された写真に友人をタグ付けすること、銀行取引用のセルフサービス デバイスでの複雑な財務操作にまで及びます。
2021 年 7 月 5 日、ブラジル政府は、全国的に使用される生体認証システムの取得を発表しました。
最後に、人工知能 (AI) の時代における市民データのセキュリティとデータ プライバシー法に関する議論を開始するために、10 の懸念事項のリストが作成されました。


Advances in image processing and analysis as well as machine learning techniques have contributed to the use of biometric recognition systems in daily people tasks. These tasks range from simple access to mobile devices to tagging friends in photos shared on social networks and complex financial operations on self-service devices for banking transactions. In China, the use of these systems goes beyond personal use becoming a country’s government policy with the objective of monitoring the behavior of its population. On July 05th 2021, the Brazilian government announced acquisition of a biometric recognition system to be used nationwide. In the opposite direction to China, Europe and some American cities have already started the discussion about the legality of using biometric systems in public places, even banning this practice in their territory. In order to open a deeper discussion about the risks and legality of using these systems, this work exposes the vulnerabilities of biometric recognition systems, focusing its efforts on the face modality. Furthermore, it shows how it is possible to fool a biometric system through a well-known presentation attack approach in the literature called morphing. Finally, a list of ten concerns was created to start the discussion about the security of citizen data and data privacy law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


著者 Raoni F. da S. Teixeira,Rafael B. Januzi,Fabio A. Faria
発行日 2022-12-14 12:28:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.CV パーマリンク