Reference-Based Autoencoder for Surface Defect Detection


これらの課題に対処するために、さまざまなテクスチャの欠陥を正確に検査するための新しい教師なし参照ベースのオートエンコーダー (RB-AE) を提案します。
ほとんどの再構成ベースの方法とは異なり、人為的な欠陥と新しいピクセル レベルの弁別損失関数をトレーニングに利用して、モデルがピクセル レベルの弁別能力を取得できるようにします。
まず、RB-AE はエンコーディング モジュールを使用して、テクスチャ サーフェスのマルチスケール フィーチャを抽出します。
さらに、RBAM は、スキップ接続に起因する欠陥特徴の残留も効果的に抑制できます。
最後に、新しいマルチスケール機能識別モジュール (MSFDM) を使用して、欠陥の検出とセグメンテーションを行います。


Due to the extreme imbalance in the number of normal data and abnormal data, visual anomaly detection is important for the development of industrial automatic product quality inspection. Unsupervised methods based on reconstruction and embedding have been widely studied for anomaly detection, of which reconstruction-based methods are the most popular. However, establishing a unified model for textured surface defect detection remains a challenge because these surfaces can vary in homogeneous and non regularly ways. Furthermore, existing reconstruction-based methods do not have a strong ability to convert the defect feature to the normal feature. To address these challenges, we propose a novel unsupervised reference-based autoencoder (RB-AE) to accurately inspect a variety of textured defects. Unlike most reconstruction-based methods, artificial defects and a novel pixel-level discrimination loss function are utilized for training to enable the model to obtain pixel-level discrimination ability. First, the RB-AE employs an encoding module to extract multi-scale features of the textured surface. Subsequently, a novel reference-based attention module (RBAM) is proposed to convert the defect features to normal features to suppress the reconstruction of defects. In addition, RBAM can also effectively suppress the defective feature residual caused by skip-connection. Next, a decoding module utilizes the repaired features to reconstruct the normal texture background. Finally, a novel multiscale feature discrimination module (MSFDM) is employed to defect detection and segmentation.


著者 Wei Luo,Haiming Yao,Wenyong Yu,Xue Wang
発行日 2022-11-18 07:13:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク