Assessing Neural Network Robustness via Adversarial Pivotal Tuning


最近の GAN ベースの画像反転手法に着想を得て、Adversarial Pivotal Tuning (APT) と呼ばれる手法を提案します。
APT はまず、入力画像を最適に再構築する事前トレーニング済みジェネレーターへのピボット潜在空間入力を見つけます。
重要なことに、APT は、事前訓練されたジェネレーターの入力と重みの両方を変更しますが、表現力のある潜在的な編集機能を維持するため、セマンティックな敵対的操作を作成する際にその能力を最大限に活用できます。
APT がさまざまなセマンティックな画像操作を生成することを示します。これらは入力画像クラスを保持しますが、事前に訓練されたさまざまな分類子を騙します。
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The ability to assess the robustness of image classifiers to a diverse set of manipulations is essential to their deployment in the real world. Recently, semantic manipulations of real images have been considered for this purpose, as they may not arise using standard adversarial settings. However, such semantic manipulations are often limited to style, color or attribute changes. While expressive, these manipulations do not consider the full capacity of a pretrained generator to affect adversarial image manipulations. In this work, we aim at leveraging the full capacity of a pretrained image generator to generate highly detailed, diverse and photorealistic image manipulations. Inspired by recent GAN-based image inversion methods, we propose a method called Adversarial Pivotal Tuning (APT). APT first finds a pivot latent space input to a pretrained generator that best reconstructs an input image. It then adjusts the weights of the generator to create small, but semantic, manipulations which fool a pretrained classifier. Crucially, APT changes both the input and the weights of the pretrained generator, while preserving its expressive latent editing capability, thus allowing the use of its full capacity in creating semantic adversarial manipulations. We demonstrate that APT generates a variety of semantic image manipulations, which preserve the input image class, but which fool a variety of pretrained classifiers. We further demonstrate that classifiers trained to be robust to other robustness benchmarks, are not robust to our generated manipulations and propose an approach to improve the robustness towards our generated manipulations. Code available at:


著者 Peter Ebert Christensen,Vésteinn Snæbjarnarson,Andrea Dittadi,Serge Belongie,Sagie Benaim
発行日 2022-11-17 18:54:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク