No-audio speaking status detection in crowded settings via visual pose-based filtering and wearable acceleration


ビデオとウェアラブル センサーにより、目立たず、プライバシーを保護する方法で話していることを認識できます。
ビデオ モダリティを考慮すると、アクション認識の問題では、従来、境界ボックスを使用してターゲット サブジェクトのローカライズとセグメント化を行い、その中で行われているアクションを認識します。
被験者の視点が異なる 2 つの野生のデータセットを使用して、この効果における相互汚染の役割を調査します。


Recognizing who is speaking in a crowded scene is a key challenge towards the understanding of the social interactions going on within. Detecting speaking status from body movement alone opens the door for the analysis of social scenes in which personal audio is not obtainable. Video and wearable sensors make it possible recognize speaking in an unobtrusive, privacy-preserving way. When considering the video modality, in action recognition problems, a bounding box is traditionally used to localize and segment out the target subject, to then recognize the action taking place within it. However, cross-contamination, occlusion, and the articulated nature of the human body, make this approach challenging in a crowded scene. Here, we leverage articulated body poses for subject localization and in the subsequent speech detection stage. We show that the selection of local features around pose keypoints has a positive effect on generalization performance while also significantly reducing the number of local features considered, making for a more efficient method. Using two in-the-wild datasets with different viewpoints of subjects, we investigate the role of cross-contamination in this effect. We additionally make use of acceleration measured through wearable sensors for the same task, and present a multimodal approach combining both methods.


著者 Jose Vargas-Quiros,Laura Cabrera-Quiros,Hayley Hung
発行日 2022-11-01 15:55:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク