Drone Detection and Tracking in Real-Time by Fusion of Different Sensing Modalities


ここでは、マルチセンサー ドローン検出システムを設計および評価します。
標準的なビデオ カメラとマイク センサーと組み合わせて、関連文献ではほとんど取り上げられていない実現可能で有望なソリューションとして指摘されている熱赤外線カメラの使用を検討します。
センシング ソリューションは、ADS-B 受信機、GPS 受信機、およびレーダー モジュールで補完されます。
センサー フュージョンも検討されており、この方法でシステムをより堅牢にすることができ、個々のセンサーの誤検出を軽減できることが示されています。


Automatic detection of flying drones is a key issue where its presence, especially if unauthorized, can create risky situations or compromise security. Here, we design and evaluate a multi-sensor drone detection system. In conjunction with standard video cameras and microphone sensors, we explore the use of thermal infrared cameras, pointed out as a feasible and promising solution that is scarcely addressed in the related literature. Our solution integrates a fish-eye camera as well to monitor a wider part of the sky and steer the other cameras towards objects of interest. The sensing solutions are complemented with an ADS-B receiver, a GPS receiver, and a radar module. However, our final deployment has not included the latter due to its limited detection range. The thermal camera is shown to be a feasible solution as good as the video camera, even if the camera employed here has a lower resolution. Two other novelties of our work are the creation of a new public dataset of multi-sensor annotated data that expands the number of classes compared to existing ones, as well as the study of the detector performance as a function of the sensor-to-target distance. Sensor fusion is also explored, showing that the system can be made more robust in this way, mitigating false detections of the individual sensors.


著者 Fredrik Svanström,Fernando Alonso-Fernandez,Cristofer Englund
発行日 2022-10-14 14:24:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク