Learning Multi-resolution Functional Maps with Spectral Attention for Robust Shape Matching


この作業では、スペクトルの注意を払った多重解像度機能マップに基づく、新しい非剛体形状マッチング フレームワークを提示します。
このホワイト ペーパーでは、スペクトル アテンションを導入することで、スペクトル分解能の調整を軽減できることを示します。
一連の挑戦的な近等尺性および非等尺性形状マッチング ベンチマークの実験を通じて、私たちのアプローチの優れたパフォーマンスを実証します。


In this work, we present a novel non-rigid shape matching framework based on multi-resolution functional maps with spectral attention. Existing functional map learning methods all rely on the critical choice of the spectral resolution hyperparameter, which can severely affect the overall accuracy or lead to overfitting, if not chosen carefully. In this paper, we show that spectral resolution tuning can be alleviated by introducing spectral attention. Our framework is applicable in both supervised and unsupervised settings, and we show that it is possible to train the network so that it can adapt the spectral resolution, depending on the given shape input. More specifically, we propose to compute multi-resolution functional maps that characterize correspondence across a range of spectral resolutions, and introduce a spectral attention network that helps to combine this representation into a single coherent final correspondence. Our approach is not only accurate with near-isometric input, for which a high spectral resolution is typically preferred, but also robust and able to produce reasonable matching even in the presence of significant non-isometric distortion, which poses great challenges to existing methods. We demonstrate the superior performance of our approach through experiments on a suite of challenging near-isometric and non-isometric shape matching benchmarks.


著者 Lei Li,Nicolas Donati,Maks Ovsjanikov
発行日 2022-10-12 16:24:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク