A case study of spatiotemporal forecasting techniques for weather forecasting


天気は、この領域に分類される最も重要なプロセスの 1 つであり、天気予報は私たちの日常業務の重要な部分になっています。
特に、提案されたテンソル トレインの動的モード分解ベースの予測モデルは、トレーニングを必要とせずに ConvLSTM に匹敵する精度を備えています。
NASA POWER 気象データセットを使用してモデルを評価し、現在の最新技術と比較します。


The majority of real-world processes are spatiotemporal, and the data generated by them exhibits both spatial and temporal evolution. Weather is one of the most important processes that fall under this domain, and forecasting it has become a crucial part of our daily routine. Weather data analysis is considered the most complex and challenging task. Although numerical weather prediction models are currently state-of-the-art, they are resource intensive and time-consuming. Numerous studies have proposed time-series-based models as a viable alternative to numerical forecasts. Recent research has primarily focused on forecasting weather at a specific location. Therefore, models can only capture temporal correlations. This self-contained paper explores various methods for regional data-driven weather forecasting, i.e., forecasting over multiple latitude-longitude points to capture spatiotemporal correlations. The results showed that spatiotemporal prediction models reduced computational cost while improving accuracy; in particular, the proposed tensor train dynamic mode decomposition-based forecasting model has comparable accuracy to ConvLSTM without the need for training. We use the NASA POWER meteorological dataset to evaluate the models and compare them with the current state of the art.


著者 Shakir Showkat Sofi,Ivan Oseledets
発行日 2022-09-29 13:47:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.NA, math.NA, physics.ao-ph, stat.ML パーマリンク