Mine yOur owN Anatomy: Revisiting Medical Image Segmentation with Extremely Limited Labels


ただし、これらは 3 つの一般的な落とし穴に直面しています。 (1) テールネス: 医療画像データは通常、暗黙的なロングテール クラス分布に従います。
(3) 多様性: データセット全体のスライス内相関は、あまり注目されていません。
この論文では、自分自身の解剖学 (MONA) と呼ばれる新しい半教師付き医用画像セグメンテーション フレームワークを紹介し、3 つの貢献を行います。
不変性を学習するための 2 つの簡単な解決策を示します – より強力なデータ拡張と最近傍を使用することです。
最後に、異なるラベル設定を使用した 3 つのベンチマーク データセットに関する広範な結果は、異なるラベル設定で新しい最先端を達成する提案された MONA の有効性を検証します。


Recent studies on contrastive learning have achieved remarkable performance solely by leveraging few labels in the context of medical image segmentation. Existing methods mainly focus on instance discrimination and invariant mapping. However, they face three common pitfalls: (1) tailness: medical image data usually follows an implicit long-tail class distribution. Blindly leveraging all pixels in training hence can lead to the data imbalance issues, and cause deteriorated performance; (2) consistency: it remains unclear whether a segmentation model has learned meaningful and yet consistent anatomical features due to the intra-class variations between different anatomical features; and (3) diversity: the intra-slice correlations within the entire dataset have received significantly less attention. This motivates us to seek a principled approach for strategically making use of the dataset itself to discover similar yet distinct samples from different anatomical views. In this paper, we introduce a novel semi-supervised medical image segmentation framework termed Mine yOur owN Anatomy (MONA), and make three contributions. First, prior work argues that every pixel equally matters to the model training; we observe empirically that this alone is unlikely to define meaningful anatomical features, mainly due to lacking the supervision signal. We show two simple solutions towards learning invariances – through the use of stronger data augmentations and nearest neighbors. Second, we construct a set of objectives that encourage the model to be capable of decomposing medical images into a collection of anatomical features in an unsupervised manner. Lastly, our extensive results on three benchmark datasets with different labeled settings validate the effectiveness of our proposed MONA which achieves new state-of-the-art under different labeled settings.


著者 Chenyu You,Weicheng Dai,Fenglin Liu,Haoran Su,Xiaoran Zhang,Lawrence Staib,James S. Duncan
発行日 2022-09-27 15:50:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, eess.IV パーマリンク