CCTCOVID: COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-Ray Images Using Compact Convolutional Transformers


COVID-19 は、上気道と肺を攻撃する新しいウイルスです。
これに加えて、世界中の何千もの死亡例は、COVID-19 を検出することがコミュニティでの緊急の要求であることを示しています。
実際には、これはコンピュータ断層撮影 (CT) や X 線画像などの医療画像のスクリーニングの助けを借りて顕著に行われます。
その結果、Compact Convolutional Transformers (CCT) を使用して X 線画像から COVID-19 を自動的に検出するための変換器ベースの方法を紹介します。


COVID-19 is a novel virus that attacks the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. Its person-to-person transmissibility is considerably rapid and this has caused serious problems in approximately every facet of individuals lives. While some infected individuals may remain completely asymptomatic, others have been frequently witnessed to have mild to severe symptoms. In addition to this, thousands of death cases around the globe indicated that detecting COVID-19 is an urgent demand in the communities. Practically, this is prominently done with the help of screening medical images such as Computed Tomography (CT) and X-ray images. However, the cumbersome clinical procedures and a large number of daily cases have imposed great challenges on medical practitioners. Deep Learning-based approaches have demonstrated a profound potential in a wide range of medical tasks. As a result, we introduce a transformer-based method for automatically detecting COVID-19 from X-ray images using Compact Convolutional Transformers (CCT). Our extensive experiments prove the efficacy of the proposed method with an accuracy of 98% which outperforms the previous works.


著者 Abdolreza Marefat,Mahdieh Marefat,Javad Hasannataj Joloudari,Mohammad Ali Nematollahi,Reza Lashgari
発行日 2022-09-27 14:02:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク