Skin Lesion Recognition with Class-Hierarchy Regularized Hyperbolic Embeddings


画像の埋め込みとクラス プロトタイプを一緒に学習する双曲線ネットワークを提案します。
したがって、学習されたプロトタイプは、埋め込み空間でセマンティック クラス関係を保持し、その特徴を最も近い双曲線クラス プロトタイプに割り当てることによって、画像のラベルを予測できます。
65 の皮膚疾患に関する約 230,000 のダーモスコープ画像で構成される社内の皮膚病変データセットを使用して、この方法を検証します。


In practice, many medical datasets have an underlying taxonomy defined over the disease label space. However, existing classification algorithms for medical diagnoses often assume semantically independent labels. In this study, we aim to leverage class hierarchy with deep learning algorithms for more accurate and reliable skin lesion recognition. We propose a hyperbolic network to learn image embeddings and class prototypes jointly. The hyperbola provably provides a space for modeling hierarchical relations better than Euclidean geometry. Meanwhile, we restrict the distribution of hyperbolic prototypes with a distance matrix that is encoded from the class hierarchy. Accordingly, the learned prototypes preserve the semantic class relations in the embedding space and we can predict the label of an image by assigning its feature to the nearest hyperbolic class prototype. We use an in-house skin lesion dataset which consists of around 230k dermoscopic images on 65 skin diseases to verify our method. Extensive experiments provide evidence that our model can achieve higher accuracy with less severe classification errors than models without considering class relations.


著者 Zhen Yu,Toan Nguyen,Yaniv Gal,Lie Ju,Shekhar S. Chandra,Lei Zhang,Paul Bonnington,Victoria Mar,Zhiyong Wang,Zongyuan Ge
発行日 2022-09-13 09:39:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク