LEDNet: Joint Low-light Enhancement and Deblurring in the Dark


また、低照度とぼやけの共存を特徴付けるペア データがないため、エンドツーエンド ネットワークのトレーニングも実行不可能です。
データセット LOL-Blur には、さまざまなシナリオでのさまざまな暗さとモーション ブラーを含む 12,000 の低ブラー/通常シャープのペアが含まれています。
さらに、LEDNet という名前の効果的なネットワークを提示して、共同の低照度強化とブレ除去を実行します。
私たちのネットワークは、相互に接続された 2 つのタスク間の相乗効果を考慮するように特別に設計されているため、ユニークです。


Night photography typically suffers from both low light and blurring issues due to the dim environment and the common use of long exposure. While existing light enhancement and deblurring methods could deal with each problem individually, a cascade of such methods cannot work harmoniously to cope well with joint degradation of visibility and textures. Training an end-to-end network is also infeasible as no paired data is available to characterize the coexistence of low light and blurs. We address the problem by introducing a novel data synthesis pipeline that models realistic low-light blurring degradations. With the pipeline, we present the first large-scale dataset for joint low-light enhancement and deblurring. The dataset, LOL-Blur, contains 12,000 low-blur/normal-sharp pairs with diverse darkness and motion blurs in different scenarios. We further present an effective network, named LEDNet, to perform joint low-light enhancement and deblurring. Our network is unique as it is specially designed to consider the synergy between the two inter-connected tasks. Both the proposed dataset and network provide a foundation for this challenging joint task. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on both synthetic and real-world datasets.


著者 Shangchen Zhou,Chongyi Li,Chen Change Loy
発行日 2022-08-30 08:22:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク