Reducing the Vision and Language Bias for Temporal Sentence Grounding


提案されたモデルを一般的およびめったに出現しないTSGケースの両方に適用し、3つのベンチマークデータセット(ActivityNet Caption、TACoS、およびCharades-STA)で最先端のパフォーマンスを達成することによってその有効性を示します。


Temporal sentence grounding (TSG) is an important yet challenging task in multimedia information retrieval. Although previous TSG methods have achieved decent performance, they tend to capture the selection biases of frequently appeared video-query pairs in the dataset rather than present robust multimodal reasoning abilities, especially for the rarely appeared pairs. In this paper, we study the above issue of selection biases and accordingly propose a Debiasing-TSG (D-TSG) model to filter and remove the negative biases in both vision and language modalities for enhancing the model generalization ability. Specifically, we propose to alleviate the issue from two perspectives: 1) Feature distillation. We built a multi-modal debiasing branch to firstly capture the vision and language biases, and then apply a bias identification module to explicitly recognize the true negative biases and remove them from the benign multi-modal representations. 2) Contrastive sample generation. We construct two types of negative samples to enforce the model to accurately learn the aligned multi-modal semantics and make complete semantic reasoning. We apply the proposed model to both commonly and rarely appeared TSG cases, and demonstrate its effectiveness by achieving the state-of-the-art performance on three benchmark datasets (ActivityNet Caption, TACoS, and Charades-STA).


著者 Daizong Liu,Xiaoye Qu,Wei Hu
発行日 2022-07-27 11:18:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク