Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles


Deep Latent Particles(DLP)と呼ばれる私たちの方法は、視覚入力を低次元の潜在的な「粒子」に分解します。各粒子は、その空間的位置と周囲の領域の特徴によって記述されます。


We propose a new representation of visual data that disentangles object position from appearance. Our method, termed Deep Latent Particles (DLP), decomposes the visual input into low-dimensional latent “particles”, where each particle is described by its spatial location and features of its surrounding region. To drive learning of such representations, we follow a VAE-based approach and introduce a prior for particle positions based on a spatial-softmax architecture, and a modification of the evidence lower bound loss inspired by the Chamfer distance between particles. We demonstrate that our DLP representations are useful for downstream tasks such as unsupervised keypoint (KP) detection, image manipulation, and video prediction for scenes composed of multiple dynamic objects. In addition, we show that our probabilistic interpretation of the problem naturally provides uncertainty estimates for particle locations, which can be used for model selection, among other tasks. Videos and code are available: https://taldatech.github.io/deep-latent-particles-web/


著者 Tal Daniel,Aviv Tamar
発行日 2022-07-26 11:52:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク