A Single Self-Supervised Model for Many Speech Modalities Enables Zero-Shot Modality Transfer


特に、私たちの単一モデルは、オーディオビジュアル/オーディオ/ビジュアル入力を備えたLRS3で1.2%/ 1.4%/ 27.2%の音声認識単語誤り率をもたらします。


While audio-visual speech models can yield superior performance and robustness compared to audio-only models, their development and adoption are hindered by the lack of labeled and unlabeled audio-visual data and the cost to deploy one model per modality. In this paper, we present u-HuBERT, a self-supervised pre-training framework that can leverage both multimodal and unimodal speech with a unified masked cluster prediction objective. By utilizing modality dropout during pre-training, we demonstrate that a single fine-tuned model can achieve performance on par or better than the state-of-the-art modality-specific models. Moreover, our model fine-tuned only on audio can perform well with audio-visual and visual speech input, achieving zero-shot modality generalization for speech recognition and speaker verification. In particular, our single model yields 1.2%/1.4%/27.2% speech recognition word error rate on LRS3 with audio-visual/audio/visual input.


著者 Wei-Ning Hsu,Bowen Shi
発行日 2022-07-14 16:21:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.SD, eess.AS, eess.IV パーマリンク