Next-ViT: Next Generation Vision Transformer for Efficient Deployment in Realistic Industrial Scenarios


この作業では、Next Convolution Block(NCB)とNext Transformer Block(NTB)をそれぞれ開発して、展開に適したメカニズムでローカル情報とグローバル情報をキャプチャします。
次に、Next Hybrid Strategy(NHS)は、NCBとNTBを効率的なハイブリッドパラダイムにスタックするように設計されており、さまざまなダウンストリームタスクのパフォーマンスを向上させます。
TensorRTでは、Next-ViTは、同様の遅延の下で、COCO検出で5.4 mAP(40.4から45.8)、ADE20Kセグメンテーションで8.2%mIoU(38.8%から47.0%)だけResNetを上回ります。
CoreMLでは、Next-ViTはEfficientFormerをCOCO検出で4.6 mAP(42.6から47.2)、同様の遅延でADE20Kセグメンテーションで3.5%mIoU(45.2%から48.7%)上回っています。


Due to the complex attention mechanisms and model design, most existing vision Transformers (ViTs) can not perform as efficiently as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in realistic industrial deployment scenarios, e.g. TensorRT and CoreML. This poses a distinct challenge: Can a visual neural network be designed to infer as fast as CNNs and perform as powerful as ViTs? Recent works have tried to design CNN-Transformer hybrid architectures to address this issue, yet the overall performance of these works is far away from satisfactory. To end these, we propose a next generation vision Transformer for efficient deployment in realistic industrial scenarios, namely Next-ViT, which dominates both CNNs and ViTs from the perspective of latency/accuracy trade-off. In this work, the Next Convolution Block (NCB) and Next Transformer Block (NTB) are respectively developed to capture local and global information with deployment-friendly mechanisms. Then, Next Hybrid Strategy (NHS) is designed to stack NCB and NTB in an efficient hybrid paradigm, which boosts performance in various downstream tasks. Extensive experiments show that Next-ViT significantly outperforms existing CNNs, ViTs and CNN-Transformer hybrid architectures with respect to the latency/accuracy trade-off across various vision tasks. On TensorRT, Next-ViT surpasses ResNet by 5.4 mAP (from 40.4 to 45.8) on COCO detection and 8.2% mIoU (from 38.8% to 47.0%) on ADE20K segmentation under similar latency. Meanwhile, it achieves comparable performance with CSWin, while the inference speed is accelerated by 3.6x. On CoreML, Next-ViT surpasses EfficientFormer by 4.6 mAP (from 42.6 to 47.2) on COCO detection and 3.5% mIoU (from 45.2% to 48.7%) on ADE20K segmentation under similar latency. Code will be released recently.


著者 Jiashi Li,Xin Xia,Wei Li,Huixia Li,Xing Wang,Xuefeng Xiao,Rui Wang,Min Zheng,Xin Pan
発行日 2022-07-13 08:59:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク