Improving Diversity of Multiple Trajectory Prediction based on Map-adaptive Lane Loss


この目的のために、この研究では、マップ適応型の多様性を保証し、幾何学的制約に対応する新しい損失関数\ textit{LaneLoss}を提案します。
新しい軌道候補提案モジュール\textit{Trajectory Prediction Attention(TPA)}を備えた2段階の軌道予測アーキテクチャは、Lane Lossでトレーニングされ、複数の軌道が多様に分散されるように促し、マップを意識した方法で実行可能な操作をカバーします。


Prior arts in the field of motion predictions for autonomous driving tend to focus on finding a trajectory that is close to the ground truth trajectory. Such problem formulations and approaches, however, frequently lead to loss of diversity and biased trajectory predictions. Therefore, they are unsuitable for real-world autonomous driving where diverse and road-dependent multimodal trajectory predictions are critical for safety. To this end, this study proposes a novel loss function, \textit{Lane Loss}, that ensures map-adaptive diversity and accommodates geometric constraints. A two-stage trajectory prediction architecture with a novel trajectory candidate proposal module, \textit{Trajectory Prediction Attention (TPA)}, is trained with Lane Loss encourages multiple trajectories to be diversely distributed, covering feasible maneuvers in a map-aware manner. Furthermore, considering that the existing trajectory performance metrics are focusing on evaluating the accuracy based on the ground truth future trajectory, a quantitative evaluation metric is also suggested to evaluate the diversity of predicted multiple trajectories. The experiments performed on the Argoverse dataset show that the proposed method significantly improves the diversity of the predicted trajectories without sacrificing the prediction accuracy.


著者 Sanmin Kim,Hyeongseok Jeon,Junwon Choi,Dongsuk Kum
発行日 2022-06-17 09:09:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク