Prefix Language Models are Unified Modal Learners


DaVinciは、26の理解/生成タスクの広い範囲で競争力のあるパフォーマンスを達成し、ImageNet分類(+ 1.6%)、VQAv2(+ 1.4%)、COCOキャプション生成(BLEU @)を含むほとんどのタスクで以前の統合ビジョン言語モデルを上回ります。
4 + 1.1%、CIDEr + 1.5%)およびCOCO画像生成(IS + 0.9%、FID -1.0%)、同等のモデルおよびデータスケールで。


With the success of vision-language pre-training, we have witnessed the state-of-the-art has been pushed on multi-modal understanding and generation. However, the current pre-training paradigm is either incapable of targeting all modalities at once (e.g., text generation and image generation), or requires multi-fold well-designed tasks which significantly limits the scalability. We demonstrate that a unified modal model could be learned with a prefix language modeling objective upon text and image sequences. Thanks to the simple but powerful pre-training paradigm, our proposed model, DaVinci, is simple to train, scalable to huge data, and adaptable to a variety of downstream tasks across modalities (language / vision / vision+language), types (understanding / generation) and settings (e.g., zero-shot, fine-tuning, linear evaluation) with a single unified architecture. DaVinci achieves the competitive performance on a wide range of 26 understanding / generation tasks, and outperforms previous unified vision-language models on most tasks, including ImageNet classification (+1.6%), VQAv2 (+1.4%), COCO caption generation (BLEU@4 +1.1%, CIDEr +1.5%) and COCO image generation (IS +0.9%, FID -1.0%), at the comparable model and data scale. Furthermore, we offer a well-defined benchmark for future research by reporting the performance on different scales of the pre-training dataset on a heterogeneous and wide distribution coverage. Our results establish new, stronger baselines for future comparisons at different data scales and shed light on the difficulties of comparing VLP models more generally.


著者 Shizhe Diao,Wangchunshu Zhou,Xinsong Zhang,Jiawei Wang
発行日 2022-06-15 17:49:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク