SelfReformer: Self-Refined Network with Transformer for Salient Object Detection


グローバルコンテキストとローカルコンテキストは、Salient Object Detection(SOD)の予測の整合性に大きく貢献します。
提案されたネットワークは、生成されたグローバルおよびローカルコンテキストに基づいてそれ自体をガイドおよび修正できるため、Self-Refined Transformer(SelfReformer)と呼ばれます。


The global and local contexts significantly contribute to the integrity of predictions in Salient Object Detection (SOD). Unfortunately, existing methods still struggle to generate complete predictions with fine details. There are two major problems in conventional approaches: first, for global context, high-level CNN-based encoder features cannot effectively catch long-range dependencies, resulting in incomplete predictions. Second, downsampling the ground truth to fit the size of predictions will introduce inaccuracy as the ground truth details are lost during interpolation or pooling. Thus, in this work, we developed a Transformer-based network and framed a supervised task for a branch to learn the global context information explicitly. Besides, we adopt Pixel Shuffle from Super-Resolution (SR) to reshape the predictions back to the size of ground truth instead of the reverse. Thus details in the ground truth are untouched. In addition, we developed a two-stage Context Refinement Module (CRM) to fuse global context and automatically locate and refine the local details in the predictions. The proposed network can guide and correct itself based on the global and local context generated, thus is named, Self-Refined Transformer (SelfReformer). Extensive experiments and evaluation results on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the outstanding performance of the network, and we achieved the state-of-the-art.


著者 Yi Ke Yun,Weisi Lin
発行日 2022-06-14 09:55:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク