Spartus: A 9.4 TOp/s FPGA-based LSTM Accelerator Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Sparsity


TIMITデータセットを使用してテストLSTMネットワークで時空間スパース性を活用すると、理論上のハードウェアパフォーマンスよりもSpartusが46倍高速化され、9.4 TOp/sの有効なバッチ1スループットと1.1TOp/ s/Wの電力効率が達成されます。


Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent networks are frequently used for tasks involving time-sequential data such as speech recognition. Unlike previous LSTM accelerators that either exploit spatial weight sparsity or temporal activation sparsity, this paper proposes a new accelerator called ‘Spartus’ that exploits spatio-temporal sparsity to achieve ultra-low latency inference. Spatial sparsity is induced using a new Column-Balanced Targeted Dropout (CBTD) structured pruning method, producing structured sparse weight matrices for a balanced workload. The pruned networks running on Spartus hardware achieve weight sparsity levels of up to 96% and 94% with negligible accuracy loss on the TIMIT and the Librispeech datasets. To induce temporal sparsity in LSTM, we extend the previous DeltaGRU method to the DeltaLSTM method. Combining spatio-temporal sparsity with CBTD and DeltaLSTM saves on weight memory access and associated arithmetic operations. The Spartus architecture is scalable and supports real-time online speech recognition when implemented on small and large FPGAs. Spartus per-sample latency for a single DeltaLSTM layer of 1024 neurons averages 1 us. Exploiting spatio-temporal sparsity on our test LSTM network using the TIMIT dataset leads to 46X speedup of Spartus over its theoretical hardware performance to achieve 9.4 TOp/s effective batch-1 throughput and 1.1 TOp/s/W power efficiency.


著者 Chang Gao,Tobi Delbruck,Shih-Chii Liu
発行日 2022-06-13 14:02:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.AR, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク