Silver-Bullet-3D at ManiSkill 2021: Learning-from-Demonstrations and Heuristic Rule-based Methods for Object Manipulation


このホワイトペーパーでは、SAPIEN ManiSkill Challenge 2021の次の2つのトラック用に設計されたシステムの概要と比較分析を示します。インタラクションなしのトラック:事前に収集されたデモンストレーションの軌跡からポリシーを学習するためのインタラクションなしのトラックターゲット。


This paper presents an overview and comparative analysis of our systems designed for the following two tracks in SAPIEN ManiSkill Challenge 2021: No Interaction Track: The No Interaction track targets for learning policies from pre-collected demonstration trajectories. We investigate both imitation learning-based approach, i.e., imitating the observed behavior using classical supervised learning techniques, and offline reinforcement learning-based approaches, for this track. Moreover, the geometry and texture structures of objects and robotic arms are exploited via Transformer-based networks to facilitate imitation learning. No Restriction Track: In this track, we design a Heuristic Rule-based Method (HRM) to trigger high-quality object manipulation by decomposing the task into a series of sub-tasks. For each sub-task, the simple rule-based controlling strategies are adopted to predict actions that can be applied to robotic arms. To ease the implementations of our systems, all the source codes and pre-trained models are available at \url{}.


著者 Yingwei Pan,Yehao Li,Yiheng Zhang,Qi Cai,Fuchen Long,Zhaofan Qiu,Ting Yao,Tao Mei
発行日 2022-06-13 16:20:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.MM, cs.RO パーマリンク