ClamNet: Using contrastive learning with variable depth Unets for medical image segmentation


Unet ++は、UnetおよびFCNが直面する問題のいくつかを解決するために、Unetのバリアントとして導入されました。
Unet ++は、可変深度Unetsのアンサンブルをネットワークに提供したため、専門家がタスクに最適な深度を見積もる必要がなくなりました。
Unetとそのすべてのバリアント(Unet ++を含む)は、大量の注釈付きデータを必要とせずに適切にトレーニングできるネットワークを提供することを目的としていましたが、ピクセル単位の注釈付きデータの必要性を完全に排除しようとしたものはありませんでした。


Unets have become the standard method for semantic segmentation of medical images, along with fully convolutional networks (FCN). Unet++ was introduced as a variant of Unet, in order to solve some of the problems facing Unet and FCNs. Unet++ provided networks with an ensemble of variable depth Unets, hence eliminating the need for professionals estimating the best suitable depth for a task. While Unet and all its variants, including Unet++ aimed at providing networks that were able to train well without requiring large quantities of annotated data, none of them attempted to eliminate the need for pixel-wise annotated data altogether. Obtaining such data for each disease to be diagnosed comes at a high cost. Hence such data is scarce. In this paper we use contrastive learning to train Unet++ for semantic segmentation of medical images using medical images from various sources including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), without the need for pixel-wise annotations. Here we describe the architecture of the proposed model and the training method used. This is still a work in progress and so we abstain from including results in this paper. The results and the trained model would be made available upon publication or in subsequent versions of this paper on arxiv.


著者 Samayan Bhattacharya,Sk Shahnawaz,Avigyan Bhattacharya
発行日 2022-06-10 16:55:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク