TS-MDLは、最初にエンドツーエンドの\ emph {i} MeshSegNetメソッド(つまり、精度と効率の両方が向上した既存のMeshSegNetの変形)を採用して、ダウンサンプリングされたスキャンで各歯にラベルを付けます。
具体的には、TS-MDLの最初の段階の\ emph {i} MeshSegNetは、\ textcolor [rgb] {0,0,0} {$ 0.964 \ pm0.054 $}で平均ダイス類似度係数(DSC)に達し、
第2段階では、PointNet-Regは$ 66$ランドマークの予測とグラウンドトゥルース間の距離で$0.597\ pm0.761 \、mm $の平均絶対誤差(MAE)を達成しました。これは、ランドマーク検出の他のネットワークと比較して優れています。
Accurately segmenting teeth and identifying the corresponding anatomical landmarks on dental mesh models are essential in computer-aided orthodontic treatment. Manually performing these two tasks is time-consuming, tedious, and, more importantly, highly dependent on orthodontists’ experiences due to the abnormality and large-scale variance of patients’ teeth. Some machine learning-based methods have been designed and applied in the orthodontic field to automatically segment dental meshes (e.g., intraoral scans). In contrast, the number of studies on tooth landmark localization is still limited. This paper proposes a two-stage framework based on mesh deep learning (called TS-MDL) for joint tooth labeling and landmark identification on raw intraoral scans. Our TS-MDL first adopts an end-to-end \emph{i}MeshSegNet method (i.e., a variant of the existing MeshSegNet with both improved accuracy and efficiency) to label each tooth on the downsampled scan. Guided by the segmentation outputs, our TS-MDL further selects each tooth’s region of interest (ROI) on the original mesh to construct a light-weight variant of the pioneering PointNet (i.e., PointNet-Reg) for regressing the corresponding landmark heatmaps. Our TS-MDL was evaluated on a real-clinical dataset, showing promising segmentation and localization performance. Specifically, \emph{i}MeshSegNet in the first stage of TS-MDL reached an averaged Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) at \textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0}{$0.964\pm0.054$}, significantly outperforming the original MeshSegNet. In the second stage, PointNet-Reg achieved a mean absolute error (MAE) of $0.597\pm0.761 \, mm$ in distances between the prediction and ground truth for $66$ landmarks, which is superior compared with other networks for landmark detection. All these results suggest the potential usage of our TS-MDL in orthodontics.
著者 | Tai-Hsien Wu,Chunfeng Lian,Sanghee Lee,Matthew Pastewait,Christian Piers,Jie Liu,Fang Wang,Li Wang,Chiung-Ying Chiu,Wenchi Wang,Christina Jackson,Wei-Lun Chao,Dinggang Shen,Ching-Chang Ko |
発行日 | 2022-06-02 17:41:16+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google